The Becoming of Light

august 30-septemeber 16, 2024

receptions: friday, august 30, 8-10 pm (in darkness)

saturday, august 31, 5-7 pm (in light)

see artist’s page

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Farm Projects is pleased to present Bernd Haussmann: The Becoming of Light. This solo exhibition of mixed media paintings and photographic prints explores the liminal space between darkness and light. Inspired by many philosophical and wisdom traditions, the artist writes: “There are two darknesses...the scary one, the darkness of the soul, and then the darkness before dark and light...the darkness of the womb, the source, the absolute... the one out of which dark and light both emerge from and return to.” Through the work on view, the artist invites an exploration of this second, original conception of darkness as a means of revealing where we all have come from and where we will return.

The exhibition will feature two receptions, one in pure darkness and one in light. During the Darkness Reception, viewers are asked to bring a flashlight which they will use to explore the exhibition, offering a new way to experience and engage with works of art.

About the Artist Bernd Haussmann divides his time between Marblehead and Maine where he and his wife Anne also work on a 450-acre nature project. His work is exhibited in national and international art fairs and is visible in numerous private, corporate, and museum collections around the world. Haussmann enjoys the exchange with fellow artists and students and has given seminars and talks at several American universities, colleges and non-profit organizations. Now his teachings revolve around mindfulness in art/through art, in workshops and private tutoring, in the US and overseas. Haussmann is a prolific artist in his own right, creating at his studio in Maine and, as he embraces the dialogue with his audience, he encourages environmental, inclusionary, interactive projects and collaborations. 


