late wood
october 12-november 04, 2024
reception: saturday, october 12, 4:00-6:00pm
artist talk with guest Elizabeth Bradfield,
monday, october 14, 5pm
Farm Projects is pleased to present Late Wood, a two-part exhibition meditating on eco-grief while offering acts of radical love for the environment. In part one of the exhibition, Susan Lyman presents “Cone of Uncertainty”. Made from branches of a felled corkscrew willow tree rescued from an extreme weather event in Boston, and adorned with birds painted “almost black”, the installation takes the form of a pendulum, suspended between growth and disintegration.
In part two, artist Grace Emmet presents Solstice Tree - a book project and exhibition comprised of accumulated writings, illustrations, and biodiversity loggings. Inspired by the plight of Beech Leaf Disease, which threatens Provincetown’s iconic Beech Forest, Emmet created this series over the course of 27 weekly walks in the forest between Summer and Winter Solstice last year. They are presented here as a tribute to the diverse ecosystem supported by these trees, offering an opportunity to come together in love for this place and to mourn what we are in the process of losing.
Together, the exhibition embodies its title – Late Wood refers to the second stage of growth in the growing season of trees which creates denser, stronger wood. Late Wood both honors the strength and beauty of trees but also suggests the urgency of the environmental crisis.
Grace Emmet, Bluejay, 2024 black walnut Ink, coreopsis ink + encaustic
Susan Lyman, Cone of Uncertainty (detail)
Grace Emmet, Warblers, 2024 black walnut Ink, coreopsis ink + encaustic 12" x 24"
Autumn Bloom, 2023, 9 x 12 inches, black walnut ink, coreopsis ink + encaustic