NANCY BERLIN - we move very slowly


we move very slowly

may 06-22, 2023

see artist’s page

When we move slowly, of choice or necessity, we have the opportunity to look carefully and notice details that we might otherwise not see.

There is time to explore color, shape and relationships that can’t happen at a faster pace. Light and shadows take on nuances that might not otherwise be seen. Suddenly patterns appear. We see what might be overlooked and relish the experience.

I have long had a habit of picking up brochures and other paper ephemera as I meander through life. In this work, where the unnoticed or overlooked moves into prime time, I take the opportunity to use some of these fragments as a base and beginning to the imagery. As these fragments accumulate, I combine those that work together in terms of the places or subjects they reference and delight remembering the accumulated perspectives they reveal.


AGATA STORER - becoming


CARRIE LEDERER - nature’s mysterious conglomerates