MAY TVEIT - living, being
living, being
july 21-31, 2023
Farm Projects is pleased to present Living, Being, a solo exhibition of recent prints by Kansas-based artist, May Tveit.
For almost a decade, Tveit has worked as an unofficial artist-in residence at the Lawrence Paper Company—a manufacturer of corrugated cardboard, boxes, and packing products in Lawrence, Kansas. Two of the three print series included in this exhibition leverage the language and geometries of box manufacturing to explore the physical and metaphysical aspects of the self and being through abstraction. In the artist’s“Bedroom Window” series, Tveit departs from the “Universal Box Template,” introducing the squares and rectangles of her current and childhood windows as new geometric entry points for examining her inner life.
The work on view is rooted in systems of order, and yet the prints celebrate the variation that nonetheless arises in the dance between mechanical tools and processes and the artist’s intuitive spontaneity. In this sense, the artist’s multidimensional approach allows systems and series to become a gateway for exploring feelings and translating visions.
“This print work is composed of a selection of monoprints created at the Anderson Ranch Art Center in Snowmass Colorado, during a 10-week, artist residency. The three series: Being, Beacon-being, and Bedroom Windows, abstractly explore geometric configurations of universal cardboard box templates, my past and present bedroom window geometries, and a quest to visualize the seen and unseen worlds of matter, spirit, and the self.”