Susan Lyman has lived in Provincetown for 43 years since her fellowship at the Fine Arts Work Center. She was a member of Boston Sculptors Gallery for 10 years, where her sculpture and paintings were featured in 5 solo exhibits, most recently, “Harbinger”, in November 2021. Lyman was awarded a grant to build a site-specific installation, “Songs of Silence v.2”, in the summer of 2022 on the campus of the Truro Center for the Arts at Castle Hill in Truro MA, in commemoration of the 30th Anniversary of the Center. In the summer of 2024, her work was included in “Bird Stories: Human Narratives” at Concord Center for the Arts. Upcoming solo exhibitions in 2025 include “Postcards from the Border” at Tohono Chul Galleries, Tucson AZ, and “The Cadence of Uncertainty” at Provincetown Art Association and Museum.
small house, big painting
marking lives
the hidden life of trees
Cone of Uncertainty (detail)